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Vertus Social provides pro bono courses to members of NGOs and people who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, giving them new opportunities for livelihood and social ascension. The overall objective is to give back to society what has been received from it. 




Rubens Decoussau Tilkian, founder of Vertus, is aware of his role as a good citizen and the need to improve the lives of those who are less favored. Therefore, besides advising and training more vulnerable members of society, Vertus created a social assistance area with the mission to contribute to important social projects, based on the motto that “you reap what you sow”. Therefore, part of the monthly revenue of Vertus is reserved for social entities and for free training in all its courses, enabling less favored people to realize their full personal and professional possibilities. 










Vertus has already offered free training and certification to more than 80 agents of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs), to better prepare them to act as multipliers for social transformation. In this way, the cycle of action of Vertus is concluded by promoting a more humanized society regarding personal and professional relationships.   


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