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The Vertus Liability Reduction program offers to clients fast and efficient solutions, relying on the most effective mediation and negotiation techniques, to reduce the judicial contingencies of companies and hence improve the scenario of provisioning on the balance sheet.  




Accurate knowledge of potential liabilities avoids surprises from judicial defeats and facilitates negotiations for settlements, with attractive discounts, not only providing financial saving, but also burnishing the company’s image for good practices in the market and reducing the chances of new disputes. 



Another benefit of the liability reduction training is the establishment of a more harmonious relationship with customers, improving their loyalty and avoiding misunderstandings. 




Furthermore, many Brazilian companies reject advantageous settlements for lack of cash flow. Instead, they delay for months or even years until they have financial conditions to pay claims from consumers or former employees, causing the inevitable liabilities to increase due to accrued interest, inflation adjustment and penalties.  


In response to this need, Vertus created a financial product that offers funds to enable companies to reach settlements of claims when advantageous. This changes negative and unpredictable positions on the balance sheet into certainty and control. The funds advanced by Vertus can be repaid in fixed installments.  






The benefits of the work to reduce liabilities also involves the judicial system, by easing the case load of judges and consequently the expense of the government. 


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